The company which sells a used Japanese car in Russia
I asked the Philip president of global motors a story about used car circumstances in Russia of Japan. He is young representative bringing the order sale that utilized Japanese Internet AA well to the mainstream.
When a duty was raised as an impressive thing by his story in 2009, there were the drop of the morals of the company which survived and the dilapidation of the market. As for the concrete content, most of Japanese used car dealers were driven into the business closing in those days, but after a half cuts the vehicle which I made a bid for in Japanese AA for duty getting out of among the used car dealers who survived, and import passed customs as parts, I join it and make a bid for sale or a perrunning car in AA cheaply, and the person who sells it after having tampered with a meter appears, and a joining car or a meter manipulation car is considerably the example that has let you flow and greatly lose the trust of the user in the green corner. After hearing whether such a thing could happen, I told, "there might be such a thing if current down rouble seemed to continue, but prays for recovering early, and not being able to happen" in future.